

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April Technique Blog hop-Layering a Window Card

Welcome to our Technique Blog Hop! This month we are highlighting the "Layering a Window Card" Technique as shown on page 33 in the Spring/Summer 2012 Idea Book! This blog hop is a great big circle so you can start wherever you want and continue through to see all the fabulous artwork incorporating this technique.
This months featured artist is Michelle West, you can see her artwork here:

We would love to see what you’ve created using this month’s technique, please visit our challenge blog at where you can share your projects and be entered in a chance to win great prizes. You will also find a listing of all participants and their blog addresses if you should get lost or want to reference a blog along the way. Let’s get started

If you have come from Shirley's blog
then you are on the right track!

                                             Window Card

Inspiration for this card was from my friend Alejandra Gomez, She did a make and take at a Vendor show. Hers was made with S.U.
I altered it a big and cut the banner out.

In the CTMH Catalog, the example on page 33 shows to cut a layer and place it behind
the window. But in my card, I chose to place the piece I selected on the front. The accent color SWEET LEAF shows through from

All material was cut using the Art Philosophy Cartridge.
Cutting Sizes
BASE LAYER: 1-1/2"
BASE LAYER: Shift 3/4"
Small flowers 1/2"
My Acrylix Stamp sets: D1476 Card Chatter-Sympathy
                             D1325 Argyle Background

Now Hop over to  Cherri's Blog for more
Wonderful ideas!